Protecting lives and properties

We Provide The Best Services

Fire Alarm Systems

Fire alarm systems are pivotal for early fire detection, contributing to timely evacuations. They detect smoke, heat, or other fire indicators, providing crucial warnings.

Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are portable firefighting tools, essential for tackling small fires in their initial stages. Obtaining fire extinguishers is crucial for safety in homes, workplaces, and public spaces.

Sprinkler Systems

Sprinkler systems are crucial for automatic fire protection in buildings. They disperse water when a fire is detected, swiftly controlling or extinguishing flames.

We are industry leaders

Fire Elimination Engineers is a privately owned Fire Protection & Construction Company that has developed & progressed to provide wide and varied Installation, services ,maintenance and commission Fire protection systems.

  • Customer Focus
  • Trusted & experienced
  • Quality work
  • Safety

As Fire Elimination Engineers, our vision is to be a leading force in safeguarding lives and properties from fire hazards.

We strive to provide innovative and cutting-edge fire protection solutions, leveraging advanced technologies and best practices. Our commitment is to create a safer environment for communities and industries, preventing and mitigating fire incidents with unmatched expertise and dedication. Through excellence in service and continuous improvement, we aim to be the trusted partner in fire safety for all our clients.

Client’s reviews

What our Clients say

Based on our experience working with Fire Elimination, I wholeheartedly recommend their services to any organization in need of fire protection systems installation, maintenance, and servicing. They are a reliable, professional, and knowledgeable contractor company that consistently delivers high-quality workmanship and outstanding customer service

Gandiwa T

Mashonaland Tobacco Company

As the mechanical and electrical consulting engineers overseeing the project, we express our satisfaction with their workmanship and professional conduct. CGM proudly recommends them to any potential client without hesitation. Their performance has demonstrated a commendable level of expertise and reliability, making them a valuable choice for future collaborations

Eng. E Chikandiwa


Call us now: +263 717 884 643

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